Watch now - SALA 2020
Here is our exhibit for the 10 Barossa Digital Artists Light Projection Tour, recently held along Murray Street, Tanunda.
About the exhibit
We were asked to create a digital self-portrait interpretation of up to 2 minutes in length, the presentation to be projected from a business frontage in Murray Street, Tanunda. Whilst we work and attend school in the Barossa we live in Kapunda and felt it important to incorpate our home town in some way. The photo shoot took place along a hidden gem of a bridge on the outskirts of Kapunda.
As a mother/son collaboration, through the imagery interpretation as well as the music we wanted to show our individuality and then how we come
together as a team . Wil has used his own creative music talents in his chapter whilst Becc was inspired by the musical stylings of White Stripes! Becc’s chapter incorporates some favourite creative images across her time as a freelance photosgrapher.
We have enjoyed creating together (mostly in harmony!) and always coming from a slightly different perspective to then meet somewhere in the middle. We learn from each other as we each have different strengths to offer the other.
Thank you to Megan (aunty/sister) & Chloe Higgins (niece/cousin) for your help during the shoot. Thank you to Renee, Kirsty and Beck, the brain trust behind the 100 Barossa Artist project. Thank you for bringing this project together - you are a fabulous team! Thank you to Wohlers and Laura for allowing us the space and being so accomodating and supportive.
Congratulations to the other artists and exhibits. We are incredibly humbled to be in your beautifully creative, clever and inspiring company. Thank you.